CNN: PVG continues to increase the efficiency of MSME business processes in Indonesia
We have stated our commitment to further develop the digital transformation of the Indonesian economy. Now, the application products we have created are being used by more than 120,000 businesses in Indonesia.
Our CEO, Vlad Ayukaev, highlighted that the presence of PVG is rooted in the traditional business operations of numerous MSMEs in Indonesia. However, these businesses can enhance themselves by embracing digitalization. For example, currently, 40% of Indonesian MSMEs continue to operate traditionally due to lack of digital skills and limited technology access.
On that basis PVG takes on the role of fintech which focuses on increasing MSMEs in the digital direction. This has been achieved through the use of the Posy and Klikoo applications.
With a straightforward registration process, one of the users mentioned that Posy has simplified managing and running his business online.
"I'm also happy to see my most popular item sales statistics and optimize inventory based on that data," he said.
In addition, a Klikoo user revealed the convenience this application provides. According to him, he can quickly search for various products and make transactions. "I really enjoy a variety of digital products and transaction speeds," this user said.
Thanks to our users for their feedback. It motivates us to do better!