
Klikoo Mart: CNN reports latest app update

On February 28th, PVG launched the latest updates for the Klikoo app. The new version features Klikoo Mart, a marketplace designed to facilitate the needs of PPOB agents. Januar Parlindungan, CBDO of PVG, emphasized that Klikoo Mart would offer various providers in new features, meeting the needs of PPOB agents to get the best price and quality of service. He added that agents can now access different price options from several vendors in a more efficient way, without having to download or use other PPOB applications.

PVG CEO Vlad Ayukaev explained that through the Klikoo application, PVG gives freedom to both parties with innovative solutions that cannot be found in other similar applications. With this new feature, MSMEs have the opportunity to choose their preferred supplier based on transaction speed, price, and success rate.

In addition to the Klikoo Mart feature, Klikoo has also made changes to the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to make it more user-friendly and quick to operate. Qris integration for topping up balances has also been added to make it easier for users.

PVG is committed to continuing its efforts to help MSMEs in Indonesia. According to Vlad, MSMEs in Indonesia need fintech to modernize financial transactions and serve rural residents. He believes that Klikoo will help more MSMEs become digitally literate and increase their competitiveness.

The full press release can be accessed on CNN news.
2023-04-06 07:52